Plans showing the limits of the right-of-way with existing features, including any impacted roadside tree(s), the proposed construction and its location within the right-of-way.
- If roadside trees are impacted, a Tree Protection Plan may be required.
File name convention for right-of-way permits
Sheet/Drawing Type | Sheet/Drawing Reference Number | Acceptable ePlans File Name | Number of Characters |
Driveway | 001-999 | DWY001 | 6 |
Note: 001 denotes the first page in a set of drawings, the file name for the second page would end in 002 and so on.
The following plans should be uploaded into the Drawings folder.
- Grade Establishment Plans prepared by a professional land surveyor or professional engineer licensed in the State of Maryland.
- Recorded Record Plat
- Traffic Control Plan (if work on an existing roadway or connecting to an existing roadway)
- Each plan sheet must be uploaded as a single file PDF using the correct file name convention.
- Plans should only be uploaded to the Revisions folder if revising a previously issued permit.
- Other drawings may be required as determined by the plans reviewer.
The following plans should be uploaded into the Documents folder.
- Property Dedicated to Public Use Scope of Work form
- Property Dedicated to Public Use Checklist form
- Estimated Cost of Construction
- Soils Report prepared by a geotechnical soils engineer.
- Each separate document may be uploaded as a multi-page single PDF file.
- Other drawings may be required as determined by the plans reviewer.
Sheet/Drawing Type | Sheet/Drawing Reference Number | Acceptable ePlans File Name | Number of Characters |
Driveway | 001-999 | DWY001 | 6 |
The following plans should be uploaded into the Drawings folder.
- Plans prepared by a professional land surveyor or professional engineer licensed in the State of Maryland.
- Recorded Record Plat
- Traffic Control Plan (if work on an existing roadway or connecting to an existing roadway)
- Each plan sheet must be uploaded as a single file PDF using the correct file name convention.
- Plans should only be uploaded to the Revisions folder if revising a previously issued permit.
- Other drawings may be required as determined by the plans reviewer.
The following plans should be uploaded to the Support Drawings folder.
- Approved Grade Establishment Plan(s)
- Approved Preliminary Plan
- Certified Site Plan
- Drainage Study
- Any other pre-approved relevant plans (i.e. Street Light, Signs and Marking, Traffic Control, etc.)
The following plans should be uploaded into the Documents folder.
- Property Dedicated to Public Use Scope of Work form
- Property Dedicated to Public Use Checklist form
- Estimated Cost of Construction
- Any needed easement documents
- Each separate document may be uploaded as a multi-page single PDF file.
- Other drawings may be required as determined by the plans reviewer.
File name convention for right-of-way permits Plan Sheets
Sheet/Drawing Type | Sheet/Drawing Reference Number | Acceptable ePlans File Name | Number of Characters |
Grade Establishment Plans | 001-999 | GEP001 | 6 |
Storm Drain | 001-999 | SD001 | 5 |
Paving | 001-999 | PAV001 | 6 |
Storm Drain & Paving | 001-999 | SDPAV001 | 8 |
Note: 001 denotes the first page in a set of drawings, the file name for the second page would end in 002 and so on.
- Plans showing the limits of the right-of-way with existing features, including any impacted roadside tree(s), the proposed construction and its location within the right-of-way.
- If roadside trees are impacted, a Tree Protection Plan may be required.
File name convention for right-of-way permits
Sheet/Drawing Type | Sheet/Drawing Reference Number | Acceptable ePlans File Name | Number of Characters |
Miscellaneous | 001-999 | MISC001 | 7 |
Note: 001 denotes the first page in a set of drawings, the file name for the second page would end in 002 and so on.
The following plans should be uploaded to the Drawings folder.
- Plans showing the utility installation, including: new manholes, street lights, new or relocated utility poles, cables and associated equipment.
- If roadside trees are impacted, a Tree Protection Plan may be required.
File name convention for right-of-way permits plan sheets
Sheet/Drawing Type | Sheet/Drawing Reference Number | Acceptable ePlans File Name | Number of Characters |
Utilities | 001-999 | UTL001 | 6 |