Complete Guide Child Support Philippines

A woman reading a book about Child Support Philippines

Complete Guide Child Support Philippines

This complete guide to Child Support in the Philippines discusses both legal cases and other options for Child Support.

There are 3 major sections for Child Support Philippines:

  1. Non-Court Options such as Child Support Demand Letters, Child Support Agreements Philippines, Barangay & Other Government Offices that you can work with

These are for those who cannot afford the court process.

  1. Court Options such as filing under RA 9262 and a Civil Child Support Court Proceeding

These are for those who can afford court cases. Child Support court proceedings are expensive but they are enforceable, meaning that the court can send someone to enforce the order if someone did not fulfill one part of the agreement.

  1. Child Support 11 FAQs: Everything about Child Support Amounts, Child Support if the father is not working, Child Support if not Married/Child Support if Married and other top FAQs

Child Support Philippines: Non-court Options

What if I cannot afford to file for Child Support Case in the Philippines?

If you cannot afford to file Child Support in the Philippines, there are some options that you can do to bring pressure on the father.

A mother who cannot afford to file Child Support Philippines

You will be doing a lot of work because you will be doing a lot of coordination.

You will need to coordinate because the Philippine bureaucracy is mostly manual and very difficult to get information from.

There are some things that you can do, if you cannot afford court.

Some can help later on, if you then have the ability to go court.

(When something is not enforceable, that means that you cannot rely on the Court to go after that person if that person does not hold up his side of the agreement.)

Some of those things are:

A Child Support Demand Letter Philippines: What you should put in it?

A Child Support Demand Letter should have the following information:

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Don’t forget the date.

Child Support is due from the date it is demanded, so it is important to have a date.

For the most part, the more pertinent and proof you put in the better, even though it takes a lot of effort.

A photo of a calendar to be included in the Child Support Demand Letter.

(And by the way, the proof that you put in should be evidence, not just statements.

Statements are not very helpful.

High-quality evidence, unfortunately, is generally a key reason why people hire lawyers but do the best you can.)

A good Child Support Demand Letter can be used in Court or in the Barangay.

The Court or Barangay can use the Child Support Demand Letter to show that the person was informed and did not refute the facts (if he doesn’t refute it).

The Child Support Demand Letter can thus help you later on, if you need to it.

Yes, you can send several Child Support Demand Letters.

In fact, it is generally a good idea to send more than one.

A woman writing on the table while having a coffee

When there are several Child Support Demand Letters, then the Court or Barangay can show that you tried your best to get this settled and lend strength to the claim that you tried to adequately inform the other person.

Let me just stress –

May sure that the Child Support Demand Letter is served and that there is proof that the other person received it.

This is so that he or she cannot claim that the Child Support Demand Letter was never received. (Which would invalidate all your hard work.)

There are actually strict requirements for service – go overboard in trying to prove that it was served, including getting the signature of the other party.

Also note – Child Support if the Father is not working is difficult since there would be no money to pay for Child Support Philippines even if you do everything correctly.

Make sure the father has money and also make sure you can prove the child’s paternity if you demand Child Support.