Rank Requirements

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On June 24, 2022, BSA announced a set of Minor Modifications to Scouts BSA Rank Requirements. To see the announcement, click here.

Beginning August 1, 2022, these minor modifications to the Scouts BSA requirements for the ranks of Scout through Star will take effect. Scouts may continue using the existing requirements for the rank on which they are currently working, or they may choose to use the new requirements. Scouts must use the new requirements once they advance to their next rank. On January 1, 2023, all Scouts must use only the new requirements.

These rank requirements are official as of August 1, 2022 . If a Scout has started work toward a rank before that date using requirements that were current before August 1, 2022 , except as noted below, the Scout may complete that rank using the old requirements. Any progress toward a rank that is begun after Jan. 1, 2023 , must use the requirements as they are presented on this webpage.

All requirements for Scout rank must be completed as a member of a troop or as a Lone Scout. If you already completed these requirements as part of the Webelos Scouting Adventure, simply demonstrate your knowledge or skills to your Scoutmaster or other designated leader after joining the troop.

    1. Repeat from memory the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout motto, and Scout slogan. In your own words, explain their meaning.
    2. Explain what Scout spirit is. Describe some ways you have shown Scout spirit by practicing the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout motto, and Scout slogan.
    3. Demonstrate the Scout sign, salute, and handshake. Explain when they should be used.
    4. Describe the First Class Scout badge and tell what each part stands for. Explain the significance of the First Class Scout badge.
    5. Repeat from memory the Outdoor Code. In your own words, explain what the Outdoor Code means to you. List the seven principles of Leave No Trace. Explain the difference between the two.
    6. Repeat from memory the Pledge of Allegiance. In your own words, explain its meaning.
    1. Describe how the Scouts in the troop provide its leadership.
    2. Describe the four steps of Scout advancement.
    3. Describe what the Scouts BSA ranks are and how they are earned.
    4. Describe what merit badges are and how they are earned.
    1. Explain the patrol method. Describe the types of patrols that are used in your troop.
    2. Become familiar with your patrol name, emblem, flag, and yell. Explain how these items create patrol spirit.
    1. Show how to tie a square knot, two half-hitches, and a taut-line hitch. Explain how each knot is used.
    2. Show the proper care of a rope by learning how to whip and fuse the ends of different kinds of rope.

    Upon joining, a Scout must still meet the age requirements. The Scout must be a youth who is at least 10 years old, currently in the fifth grade and register on or after March 1, or one who is at least 10 years old and earned the Arrow of Light Award, or one who is at least 11 years old, but is not yet 18 years old.

    The requirements for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks may be worked on simultaneously; however, these ranks must be earned in sequence.

    Alternative requirements for the Scout rank are available for Scouts with physical or mental disabilities if they meet the criteria listed in the Scouts BSA Requirements book.

    1 If your family does not have internet access at home AND you do not have ready internet access at school or another public place or via a mobile device, the Cyber Chip portion of the requirement may be waived by your Scoutmaster in consultation with your parent or guardian.

    Worksheet for use in working on these requirements: Format
    Word Format PDF Format
    Worksheet for use in working on the Cyber Chip Award Word Format PDF Format

    Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements.