An additi onal U.S. $2,000 per year should be added to the above estimates for each dependent. A ll fees are subject to change
without noti ce. This affi davit i s exe c uted o n be half of the fol lowi ng pe rs on: Name: / Net ID: _______________ Sur name/ Fami ly Nam e First,Mi dd leDate of Birth :_____________________ Citizen of (Country):_ ______________________ Marital Status :______________
Presently Resides At: Stre et Add ress City Sta te Cou ntry Pa rent /S ponsor( s) Infor m ation: Parent/S ponsor’s Name: / Sur name/ Fami ly nam e First,Mid dleWork Telephone: _____________________ Home Telephone: _____________________ Cell P ho ne:___________________
Email:________________________________________________ Parent/S ponsor’s Age:_________Relations hip to Applicant: Sponsor Father M other Other (speci fy):________________ ________________________
Employment: Pos it ion Hel d Co m p any N am e Net Annual Income (convert to US dollars):________________ Loc ati on Convert the amount of money deposited i n saving banks into US Dollars:__________________________ Types of Contribution: (check all that apply) All support Room and board Other:____________ Money/tuition Books and s uppliesTotal value in U S$ per year:____________________ for a period of _____________ years, starting from ___________ to
_____________ or until applic ant gr aduates college.U.S . Immigra tion law s r equir e i nterna tional s tude nts t o v er ify their ability to finance their educational and living
expenses for the e n ti re time th ey are in the United States. Evidence of financial ability, not in cluding travel expenses,
must be pr ovided i n one or a c ombinatio n of the fol lowi ng wa ys:1. Proof of the appli cant’s personal funds ( official bank statement is required to show the entire amount personall y committed ) .
2. S ponsor and/or parent funds (offic ial bank statement that matches the first - year expenses that they have committed to on the
Affidav it of Support [ no inter net pr int - outs acceptable ] ).3. A letter from the government must accompany this form if the government is contributing to the cost of the applic ant’s
application.Note: S tudent’s name and Net ID must be on each bank statement. Please keep a copy of documen ts (e.g. Affidavi t of Support,
bank statement) for your own fil e.This affidavit is made by m e for the purpose of assuring the U. S. Gover nment t hat the p erson (s) named above will not
become a p u blic char ge in the United States. I am willing and able to receive, maintain, and s upport the pers on(s)
named ab o ve. I u nder stand t hat if I do n ot prov ide t he student f inancia l ass ista nce, the b ur den does no t shift to LD S