City of buffalo certificate of occupancy

How long is it good for and does every unit including single family homes have to be inspected and it is by the city?

In the City of Buffalo, existing 1-family and 2-family homes are not part of the Certificate of Occupancy process, except if new work is performed that enlarges the living space by greater than 25%. In that case, it should all be taken care of as part the regular building permits and closure process.

In lieu of a Certificate of Occupancy, all homes that are not owner-occupied must registered as a rental. The rental registry program fee is $25 annually for a 1-family home, and $50 for a 2-family and is billed every January.

While there is no formal inspection process in the rental registry program, the city may inspect if you don’t register or if they receive complaints about the property.

Here is a link for more info regarding the rental registry: ion-PDF?bidId=

01-17-2020, 01:00 PM 5,695 posts, read 4,093,071 times Reputation: 4995 Originally Posted by RocketSci

In the City of Buffalo, existing 1-family and 2-family homes are not part of the Certificate of Occupancy process, except if new work is performed that enlarges the living space by greater than 25%. In that case, it should all be taken care of as part the regular building permits and closure process.

In lieu of a Certificate of Occupancy, all homes that are not owner-occupied must registered as a rental. The rental registry program fee is $25 annually for a 1-family home, and $50 for a 2-family and is billed every January.

While there is no formal inspection process in the rental registry program, the city may inspect if you don’t register or if they receive complaints about the property.

Here is a link for more info regarding the rental registry: ion-PDF?bidId=

It sounds like quite a money making process for the city. No inspection unless there is a complaint. Who checks for smoke detector and CO compliance? What about chipping paint, or lead paint? What about general maintenance and housekeeping. Are the exits clear? The tenants don't know about this stuff and probably afraid to complain. A good landlord will have all this stuff taken care of, but not a bad one, or an amature

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